The first apple since the cooler was shut down in February, the initial crunch, the amazingly fresh texture, it was quite simply delicious. We currently have a few apple varieties in the cooler; Lodi, Pristine and Maiden Blush.
All of these apples, and it is only the beginning of August!
We will be picking several varieties (right around 40) over the next few months; so, how do we know when and which apples are ready to be picked?
First, we look to see if the fruit appears to be ripe according to color and size.
Second, we check out the ground to see if any apples have fallen fro
Third, we pick one and cut it open with a knife to have a better look at the seeds. Apple seeds begin white and turn brown as the fruit ripens.
Last, we take a big bite. If it's delicious, it's time to pick!