We live somewhere in between then and now; a little bit of old fashioned hard work and elbow grease matched up with a little bit of new-fangled horsepower and fresh innovation. This is what we see...
Shall we let the cat out of the bag?
If you haven’t heard yet we now have our Farm Winery Permit. (BIG HOORAY) This means we can start making hard cider…in big batches. This is what the first 1,000 gallons looks like.
Is it the full moon in the enchanted night sky?
No no no. This is what a clean clean clean 85 gallon stainless tank looks like; or at least one that’s in the process of getting super clean.
Here come those first drops rushing into the tank! Isn’t she beautiful?
Well,the bad news is that now we're in the waiting game. But if you're patient too there will be amazing beverages in our future. June is only a few months away and then its time for tasting!
photos courtesy of Jon S.
I’m not sure how many gallons of cider we press during the year…or how many gallons of cider I drink during the year…but it’s a few. We recently did our last press of the season and we have squirreled away gallons and gallons of cider in our freezer to keep us well stocked until next season. We also have another important reason to press cider-but I’ll keep you in suspense on that until the next post.
The old adage is that you never make cider without the Winesaps. And if you’ve never tasted a Winesap I recommend getting a sample next fall, tart and tasty!
Ever wonder what we do with all those little bitty apples that you could eat in just two bites? Well, every little apple counts in cider making and this little one is going in!
These lucky apples are on their way to be sorted and washed. I wonder which one is going to end up in my cider glass…and which one will be in yours.